Regent Capital Communications




Operational Efficiency in Banking Sector | 23-24 October 2014 | Moscow, Russia


As a result of tightening competition and soaring margins, banks are re-examining their operating models as part of their growth strategies. Changing products, new regulations and customer demands force banks to resort to more efficient operational systems able to support their strategic goals. Optimisation of operating efficiency with simultaneous retention of clients and employees addresses many issues which are essential for staying competitive and profitable.


“Operational Efficiency in Banking Sector" conference will bring together representatives of banks and consulting companies to share best practices of lean management and development of operational efficiency as well as to address the most challenging issues:

  • How to ensure pass-through optimisation of business processes and achieve a reduction of operational risks
  • How to leverage multiple channels in order to deliver banking products and create cross-selling opportunities facilitating transactions
  • How to achieve simplification of processes by removing tasks that do not create added value for bank or customer: focusing on timing and costs of banking processes
  • Launching tools of business processes monitoring: focus on key performance indicators
  • How to achieve increased operational efficiency through the development of resources planning and allocation system in order to achieve desired KPI targets for existing processes
  • Considering case studies of lean management


The event program is under development, for information on partnership and speaking opportunities please do not hesitate to contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.